Insulation for Dairy Barns, Poultry Houses and Hog Barns

Poultry Houses
Dairy Barns
Hog Barns

Poultry House, Dairy Barn and Hog Barn Insulation

Keeping farm animals and livestock warm in the winter and cool in the summer is of vital importance. Prodex Total Insulation protects poultry houses, dairy barns and hog barns from black globe effect.

The Black-Globe Effect On Farm Animals

The phenomenon called the "black-globe effect" has a pronounced stress factor relating to the weight gain in meat producing animals and birds. Whether an animal is outdoors or indoors, in temperatures exceeding 78° F, it absorbs a tremendous increase in radiant energy from the sun. Although the animal may be confined to a building, the "black-globe effect" on the animal is the same as if it were actually 10 to 20° F higher than air temperature. Studies show that with the elimination of the "black-globe effect" through the use of reflective foil insulation, many improvements are immediately apparent. In the dairy industry, an increase of as much as 10% in milk production has been noted. Also noted; a conception rate improvement of nearly 24%. Broiler house feed conversions went from averages of 2.3 to 2.8 lbs. of feed per lb. of bird to a much improved 1.99 feed conversion.

Many growers are finding their animals grow faster and more efficiently after installing Prodex Total Insulation. Death losses from heat are greatly reduced. The illustration above shows how an animal is heated even though the air temperature may not rise much.

Dairy Barn Insulation - Solve Condensation, Heat and Cold Problems

Insulation for Metal Dairy Barns must Protect from Condensation, Radiant Heat, Air and Cold.

Prodex Total Dairy Barn Insulation = Insulation + Radiant Barrier + Vapor Barrier + Air Barrier All in One Product. One solution to Cold, Heat and Condensation - You'll be warm in winter, cool in summer and dry all the time.

Any metal or pole barn that uses fiberglass insulation rather than Prodex Total will have moisture issues (typically hidden behind facing), Loss of R-value (consequence of the moisture) and heat gain.

Condensation - It can seem like a tropical rain forest inside an unprotected dairy barn. It's worse on those days where there is a greater contrast between temperatures at night vs. day. A temperature difference between outside and inside your barn will create condensation (dripping on the sheeting) - Similar to what happens when you leave a cold can of beer outside on a hot day.

Heat - Mid-summer sun rays hitting the roof of a barn radiates the heat inside (especially metal roofs). It makes it unbearably hot and humid inside.

Chill - Winter temperatures in  on the exterior sheathing turns it cold. The cold sheathing creates the effect of an ice box making colder inside the house or building than out.

Insulation In Metal Barns That Lose R-value Due to Moisture

Once fiberglass insulation gets wet (and it will get wet, due to condensation) it will lose R-value! Water trapped between fiberglass insulation and the exterior of a building will also cause mold, fungus growth, rust and oxidation - Conditions that will degrade the metal and shorten the service of the structure. In addition, fiberglass insulation does not prevent radiant heat transfer (the primary source of heat-flow in and outside your building).

Take a look at the white vinyl facing the next time you're in a metal barn - It will be either sagging, or sagging and flaking. This is due to the added weight of water. Behind the white vinyl is a wet, mold filled blanket that will eventually cause the white vinyl to crack and fall off. At some point, when you're exposed to the toxic fibers, you'll be forced to remove the insulation - Hopefully before it does too much damage to the metal framing. If you insist on using fiberglass, use it in conjunction with Prodex Total, so the Prodex can keep the moisture out of the fiberglass.

Once metal sheeting gets cold it creates a situation where it's colder inside the building than out. To combat this you need an insulation that doesn't lose its thermal protection (like fiberglass) when you need it most - Cold damp conditions!

Insulation In Dairy Barns That Don't Stop Radiant Heat Transfer

Like fiberglass, spray foam insulation doesn't protect against radiant heat transfer. Without a radiant barrier, when your roof gets hot it radiates solar-generated heat down. This often results in it being hotter in your building than out. Since open cell foam providers suggest you supplement open cell foam with a vapor barrier. Why not get the vapor barrier, insulation and radiant barrier all in one product?

Prodex Total Barn Insulation Solves Condensation, Heat and Cold Challenges

Stopping Condensation

Prodex eliminates the moisture (condensation) from forming on the metal sheeting. It does it by making the temperature of the metal sheeting on the building approximately the same on the inside as the outside. When the heat or cold from outside comes through the metal skin it hits the outside aluminum facing of Prodex and is reflected back upwards through the underside of the metal sheeting. This process keeps the metal sheeting temperature consistent on both sides. In addition, the inside layer of aluminum in Prodex reflects away the heat (heater) or cold (air-conditioning) from inside the building, from getting to the metal skin. This also helps in preventing condensation.

Preventing Radiant Heat Transfer

As stated earlier, Prodex reflects 97% of the radiant energy (primary source of heat flow) that strikes it - Which also protects your animals from Black Globe Effect. Prodex also reflects back the heat inside your steel building. Each unit of radiant heat energy that is reflected away from your barn in the summer, and each unit that is reflected back during the winter, means less operation of your heating and air conditioning system - Less wear and tear on your equipment - Less money you pay in utility costs. Fiberglass and spray foam insulation do not prevent radiant heat transfer.

Keeping Metal Barn Warm

The Prodex Total R-value is not affected by humidity. This feature cannot be over emphasized. There will always be some humidity in a metal building and your insulation must work in these conditions.

Comparison Chart Of Metal Barn Insulation
chart comparing metal building insulation.jpg
How To Insulate A Metal Barns - Install Instructions

It's a lot easier and less expensive to install a 5mm roll of Prodex than a bulky 6 inch roll of fiberglass or spray foam. Pinching 6 inches fiberglass between the framing and sheeting is not easy. It's really tough having to use a wire mesh to hold fiberglass in place on an existing building. Spray foam is not DIY friendly.

Prodex Total can be installed before or after your metal sheeting. For fastest and easiest installation, install before applying your sheeting.

New Buildings: lnstall the insulation over your purlins and girts (sandwiching it between the sheeting and the purlins/girts). Existing Buildings: lnstall the insulation on the underside of your purlins and girts. For instructions: Metal barn installation methods

Best Barn Insulation - Prodex Total

Protects Content From Vapor

Prodex is a class 1 vapor barrier. A vapor barrier (moisture barrier) refers to any material that prevents moisture from passing through the walls or roof of a building. This material can be plastic or better yet, Prodex Total Insulation - 0.2 inch, 5mm closed cell polyethylene foam covered on both sides with reflective reinforced foil facing. Prodex Total Insulation (Vapor Barrier, Class 1. perm<0.1).

Prodex Insulation Prevents Rodents, Bugs and Birds from Nesting

Unlike fiberglass insulation, Prodex does not provide for the nesting of rodents, bugs and birds. Rodents, bugs and birds aren't able to digest the aluminum.

Prodex Total Deadens Sound of Rain and Hail

Metal skin on a building can exaggerate the sound of rain and hail. Prodex has an excellent 19db sound deadening.

Increased Lighting Efficiency

Prodex provides a bright, attractive finish to your building. It reflects the light, making it easier to light the building interior.

To meet the unique insulation requirements of a dairy barn you need a total insulation system - Prodex Total Insulation = Insulation + Radiant barrier + Vapor barrier + Air Barrier.

Reasons To Buy Prodex Total Insulation For Your Dairy Barn

  1. Independent reviews at Site Jabber is the leading community of online business reviewers.
  2. BBB report. For over 100 years, BBB has set the standard for ethical business behavior. We're proud to maintain an "A to A+" rating. This rating takes into account a company's size in its relation to complaints. We're proud to maintain an "A to A+" rating. We've been 
  3. ICC-ES Recognized - ICC-ES is an evaluation service that takes independent test data for a variety of products and analyses it against a uniform Acceptance Criteria that is recognized internationally.
  4. Over 5 billion square feet sold worldwide.
William Matthews: Saturday, August 15, 2009
philbegley: Friday, April 10, 2015

Dear Insulation4Less,
I finally completed my 60" X 42" steel building using your insulation between the steel studs and the metal sheeting. I was amazed at the temperature difference. The metal is not allowed to adversely heat the building and the temperature is cooler than under a shade tree because of the breeze created within the door openings. The reflective foil also provides a tremendous amount of light reflection inside the building creating a very bright look inside. I am amazed and presently surprised that the thin foil actually worked so well.

848484: Tuesday, December 13, 2016
philbegley: Friday, April 10, 2015

Dear Insulation4Less,
Been in the construction business for 38 yrs. After extensive research I made a decision to use Prodax total in a pole barn. Very challenging ceiling application from the inside attached to perlongs and truss sides between 4ft on center roof trusses. The side walls however went extremely well. Great product, does what they say it will do. The only problem I had was the fact that it had to be ordered on line, and couldn't be ordered over the phone .

Customer Reviews

pappyyj: Friday, February 05, 2010
philbegley: Friday, April 10, 2015

Dear Insulation4Less,
I installed Prodex in my 40'x40'x14' Steel garage when I bought the building it came with the 4" thick 6' wide white vinyl that was hard to work with because of it's weight and bulkiness. The weather was rainy and it was just my wife and I installing the insulation and steel sheeting. Trying to find something easier to work with I found your product I ordered enough to line the entire garage it was grate to work with. When the garage door company cam to install the garage doors on January 02/2010 the temperature outside was 10 degrees and windy. After they had the door tracks fastened enough to hold the doors in place they light there portable gas salamander I was impressed with how quickly it warmed to 40 degrees and healed the heat after they turned it off.

What Makes Prodex Total Insulation Superior to Fiberglass and Spray in Metal Barns?
  • R-value is unaffected by humidity
  • Prevents 97% of radiant heat transfer
  • Vapor barrier
  • Prevents condensation
  • Does not promote mold or mildew
  • Does not provide for nesting of rodents, bugs or birds
  • Seals around nails (no leak)
  • Made with 100% recyclable virgin raw materials.

Dairy Barn Insulation Pricing | Buy Barn Insulation

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10M Plus: R22

Thickness: 10mm (0.4") closed cell polyethylene foam covered on both sides with reinforced reflective foil. Twice as thick. Increased R. More strength. Better install.

5M Plus: R17

Select one of these 5M items: 48 inch, Fast Action, 72 inch, 24 inch or 16 inch. Thickness: 5mm (0.2") closed cell polyethylene foam covered on both sides with reinforced reflective foil. 

WHITE 5M Plus: R15.3

Thickness: 5mm (0.2") closed cell polyethylene foam with reflective reinforced foil on one side and plastic white finish film on the other side. Ideal where white finish is preferred.

Calculate amount of insulation required for your building

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